Excellent cuisine with a focus on freshness. Eel and chicken specialty restaurant established in 1981.

A restaurant specializing in eel and chicken dishes with a history of about 40 years in Kanoya, Osumi. Kagoshima is the largest producer of eels in Japan. The eels are picked fresh in the morning and served at the restaurant every morning. The ingredients are grilled over high-quality binchotan charcoal to ensure the best flavor, with a crispy, savory outside. In addition to a variety of menu items to enjoy Kagoshima eel and chicken, be sure to try the local shochu of Osumi and the “Kanoya Navy Highball” named after the Kanoya Navy, the setting of the movie “Eternal Zero.


Management and operation


kagoshima furusato yataimura


NPO Shin-Kagoshima Gourmet City Project




Kagoshima, Japan 890-0053 11 Chuo-cho, Kagoshima City Kagoshima Chuo Terminal Building, B1F




Office hours: 10:00~18:00(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and Area BUSCHIKA holidays)


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